Plastic Canvas Message Magnets , designed by Carole Rodgers...
I cannot (and really wanted to) trace a pattern onto the plastic canvas from this pamphlet. The marker I am using doesn't make it is erasable and as I am doing the tracing, really does not adhere to the plastic canvas good. Then cutting the plastic canvas, the piece either it is because the marking isn't clear, or possibly I have to make it somewhat larger. If I leave one square (like the pattern wants), then as I am cutting, (near that square), it breaks off. If there were 3 squares left, maybe it would "fall off". I don't know what it to...this seems next to impossible, and it should be very easy. Any help out there, sure would be appreciated.
Posted by: on 05/23/19
I dony trace the pattern I count the squares then out line the area to be cut out with a marker;
sometimes the one you are cutting out is one square smaller than say in book always count the square
to be sure of pattern
by: on 07/11/19